Explore how the Fit for Purpose (F4P) framework can bring real benefits for your business and help you focus on what is really important for your clients.
We don´t perform a specific activity to prioritize work for kanban systems. Instead we practice dynamic prioritization, selecting items of work on-the-spot, based on risk, or other desirable outcomes such as fairness, good customer service, or value.
I´ve been studying evolutionary theory recently, and how it applies to non-biological entities, such as buildings and businesses. This is the first of what will probably be a short series of blog posts providing new, or deeper insights into the application of evolutionary change in organizations.
Do the results of the surveys are judgmental or irrelevant for your product? Do you feel that surveys are just an annoying duty?
Learn more about F4P Card which will change the way how you identify and satisfy your customers true needs.
Implementing Kanban, we should treat the organization as habitat to slowly and patiently take over, allowing current structures, traditions, policies to coexist.